Hi there. I'm Sof. I’m a Malaysian artist that’s a doodler, illustrator, painter, animator and storyteller. I doodle comics about my life experiences and feelings in hopes that it will help others feel less alone in their feelings.
— SofsDoodles
Here are projects SofsDoodles has been funded to do or involved in.
Sof's Doodles Returning To My Roots MPH Published Comic Book
SofsDoodles x FUTURE, ILLUSTRATED with SALESFORCE. The Future, Illustrated comic series is brought to you by Salesforce, the global CRM leader. The campaign brings together 8 ASEAN artists to lend their voices, in the hopes of inspiring businesses to become platforms for good, and build an inclusive and sustainable future for all.
CENDANA Seni Untuk Semua Atas Talian Grant. SofsDoodles was funded to make a comic making tutorial. The target audience of the grant was the B40 community in Malaysia.

Recipient of CENDANA's Create Now fund, running doodle workshops for refugee students at The Other School, collecting their stories to create an animated e-comic book to exhibit in order to advocate refugee rights

CENDANA 2021 Create Now Fund - Doodle Workshops for Students Who Are Refugees
This first iteration of K[otak]ku is a one-month, funded, stay-at-home virtual art residency for 12 selected emerging Malaysian visual artist - By HAUS KCH - Feb 2021
Lights On - is a virtual projection mapping installation programme which showcases George Town’s diverse cultural and historical landscapes through pulsating lights and swimming patterns projected onto a small mockup of the heritage city. By FILAMEN & George Town Festival - May 2021
G-Short is a short film festival held as part of the George Town Festival 2021. My film, "I Got Covid", made it into the top 30 finalists (Out of 697 submissions internationally!) - By George Town Festival - July 2021
This first iteration of K[otak]ku is a one-month, funded, stay-at-home virtual art residency for 12 selected emerging Malaysian visual artist - By HAUS KCH - Feb 2021
University of British Columbia Campus & Community Planning’s 'Beautify my bike cage' is a mural contest that animates bike cages and celebrates cycling at UBC. Meet Sofia Shamsunahar, second year UBC Faculty of Arts student and this year's winner. - Oct 29, 2016

SofsDoodles x The Other School Merdeka Workshop for the Public

SofsDoodles x The Other School Three Month Doodle Workshop Subscription. Participants will attend a monthly virtual workshop run by SofsDoodles.
SofsDoodles at George Town Festival
SofsDoodles projection mapping animation created for George Town Festival Virtual Artist Residency "Light's On"
“I Got Covid”
SofsDoodles is part of an art collective named Dream Big. Dream Big’s animation short “I Got Covid” became a finalist in George Town Festival G-Short Short Film Festival. The festival, with the theme “Reimagine: A New Way of Seeing” had 637 submission and accepted 30 finalist.
Animator: Chadel Soon
Illustrator and Video Editor: SofsDoodles
Missy D “Paint” Music Video
Created a storyboard and illustrated a music video for Missy D, a Vancouver based hip hop, rap & soul artist